
discovering the truth
Truth word behind a torn paper.

Stop the fear-mongering, get the FACTS – and STOP wasting everyone’s time!

September 25, 2024
Instead of continuing to do good things for Kane County, the Board is having to spend valuable time listening to NON – ISSUE complaints.

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kane dems fall fundraiser 2024

Kane County Democrats Fall Fundraiser

September 13, 2024
On Thursday October 24th, join fellow Democrats at The Centre of Elgin, 100 Symphony Way, from 6-8pm to hear from some dynamic speakers.

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kane county voter education flyer

Corinne Pierog | Setting the Record Straight

September 9, 2024
Members of the Kane County GOP have been spreading lies about County Chair Corinne Pierog. Let’s set the record straight!

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vote no on lance bell flyer 1

Lance Bell “Tells the Truth” … Until He’s Caught

September 9, 2024
Lance Bell mismanages his own businesses. How can we trust him to handle county funds and budgets responsibly?

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kane county democrats logo on laptop

Kane County Board Accomplishments

August 30, 2024
Kane County Democrats have been hard at work helping everyone! Vote BLUE in November so they can do even more!

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americans for prosperity dishonesty

Americans for Prosperity Dishonesty

August 28, 2024
Paid organizer with Koch funded Americans for Prosperity speaks at Kane County Board meeting.

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project 2025

Project 2025 is a Threat to Democracy

July 16, 2024
Project 2025 is the far-right extremists’ vision for America. It’s a plan that has been formed by politically powerful allies and supporters of Donald Trump that he will implement if he wins a second presidential term in 2024.

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